For our recent trip to Tokyo our flight arrived at 5:10 AM. Our hotel check-in time was 2:00 PM. No early check-in available – believe me, we tried! That meant 9 hours to kill before we could get any rest after 20+ hours of travelling. For the uninitiated Westerner, Tokyo is an assault on the senses. […]
Japan Trip Bucket List: 50 Things To Do & See

My husband and I will be travelling to Japan in December and staying through early January. We’re both super excited as this is an area of the world we’ve wanted to see for a LONG time! I’m not usually one to plan ahead when I’m traveling, but in this case I wanted to investigate things […]
Zilker Botanical Gardens

Maybe it’s not the best time to visit botanical gardens when the web site for the gardens warns: “Please take caution while visiting the garden during the extreme heat wave that we are experiencing. Senior citizens, small babies and pets are more susceptible to heat exhaustion. Drink plenty of water before and during your visit. […]
Hiking Trails – Austin, TX: Brushy Creek Regional Trail

Whenever I spend a significant amount of time anywhere I search out local trails. I love spending time outdoors in nature and going for a run, hike or even a leisurely walk. It always grounds me and clears my head. Like my post about the Bray to Greystones trail in County Wicklow, Ireland, I will […]
Bath, United Kingdom

I think I could live in a town like Bath with very little problem. As soon as we stepped off of our tour bus I was enveloped with a sense of peacefulness. There was no hustle and bustle, despite the tourists. The architecture was unified, seemingly ancient and beautifully cohesive. The prevalence of the soft, […]
Day Tripping to Stonehenge

I have always wanted to visit Stonehenge. When I was younger and I first heard about Stonehenge, you could still touch it and walk among the stones. Sadly, we visited at a time when this kind of interaction was not permitted. A few bad apples always ruin the bunch when it comes to things like […]
The Tower of London

We had quite a quick visit to the Tower of London, we arrived at about 4:00 PM, not realizing that they would be closing in 30 minutes at 4:30 (their winter schedule) – the people at the front gates urged us to return the next day so that we had more time, but it was our last […]
Exploring Giant’s Causeway, Ireland

On the Northern Coast of Ireland there is a marvel of geology that everyone travelling to the country owes themselves to visit. The Giant’s Causeway. The collection of some odd 40,000 basalt, often hexagonal columns is other-worldly. It’s easy to see why this Unesco (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage Site’s history is steeped […]