Well, Week One of my June Jumpstart is over. I was able to successfully stick with the plan, for the most part. There was a little unplanned outing on Friday night that involved some Mexican food and a bit of alcohol – and that really sabotaged my weight loss. The salty meal and alcohol really put on the water weight. I also skipped the long run on Sunday in favor of a 2 hour bike ride.
That was a fair exchange I think, because today I’m feeling a whole new group of muscles that I awoke. At any rate, at week’s end I was down 1 pound despite the evening out and lost 3.25 inches overall. It is disappointing to think what the results could have been without that evening, but that will give me all the more drive to power through this week. I did skip a few other outings, so there was a little discipline, just not quite as much as I would have liked.
Here’s what Week Two will look like:
A. Clean Eating
As per last week, the focus will not be on dieting, but rather on eating whole, healthy foods and avoiding any added sugars. The fridge is stocked with a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables (and produce at the grocery store is looking great right now). I have prepared a lot of the veggies in advance so that they are ready to grab and go. I also have meals in mind for the week so I’ll never be at a loss for what to cook for dinner. It’s usually those nights when I don’t have something in mind that my husband and I often give up and go out to eat instead so a meal plan will help avoid that!
B. 30 Day Plank Challenge
Continuing with the 30 Day Plank Challenge, my baseline for holding a plank with good form is up 19 seconds. Not bad.
This week will be a little tougher:
1st Day – Hold Plank for 35 Seconds | Rest 45 Seconds or Less | Repeat 5x
2nd Day – Hold Side Plank for 35 Seconds | Rest 45 Seconds or Less | Repeat 4x
3rd Day – Hold Plank for 40 Seconds | Rest 1 Minute or Less | Repeat 6x
4th Day – Rest Day
5th Day – Hold Plank for 45 Seconds | Rest 1 Minute or Less | Repeat 4x
+ Hold Side Plank for 40 Seconds | Rest 1 Minute or Less | Repeat 3x
6th Day – Rest Day
7th Day – Update Baseline – How Long Can I Hold A Plank With Good Form?
C. Running
This week’s running schedule will look similar to last week’s. The focus is still on allowing recovery time between runs.
Week Two’s running schedule:
1st Day – Rest Day
2nd Day – Intermediate Run (Warm-Up | 3.1 Miles | Cool Down)
3rd Day – Easy Run (Warm-Up | 2 Miles | Cool Down)
4th Day – Rest Day
5th Day – Intermediate Run (Warm-Up | 3.1 Miles | Cool Down)
6th Day – Long Run (Warm-Up | 6.2 Miles | Cool Down)
7th Day – Easy Run (Warm-Up | 2 Miles | Cool Down)
D. Cross-Training
Having a long bike ride instead of a 10K run on Sunday of Week One really reminded me of the importance of cross-training. The more you can mix up your exercise routine, the more muscles you bring to the party. Your body can get used to something pretty quickly – best to keep it guessing if you want results!
1st Day – Rowing (2000 meters)
2nd Day – Swimming (Freestyle Laps | 30 Minutes)
3rd Day – Elliptical (30 Minutes)
4th Day – Stair Climber (Intervals | 30 Minutes)
5th Day – Biking (60 Minutes)
6th Day – Rest Day
7th Day – Hiking (60 Minutes)
E. Strength Training
As far as strength training in Week Two, the objective is to stay the course.
1st Day – Upper Body (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulder Presses, Lateral Raises, Flys, Chest Presses)
2nd Day – Lower Body (Leg Press, Calf Raises, Leg Curls, Squats, Stair Climber)
3rd Day – Upper Body (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulder Presses, Lateral Raises, Flys, Chest Presses)
4th Day – Rest Day
5th Day – Lower Body (Leg Press, Calf Raises, Leg Curls, Squats, Stair Climber)
6th Day – Upper Body (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulder Presses, Lateral Raises, Flys, Chest Presses)
7th Day – Lower Body (Leg Press, Calf Raises, Leg Curls, Squats, Stair Climber)
F. Foam Rolling
As with strength training, with foam rolling my goal is to maintain foam rolling and stretching as part of my workout routine. Whenever I amp things up, or try new things, the muscles need stretching more than ever to avoid injury.
1st Day – Foam Rolling (Calf, Hamstring, Piriformis, IT Band, Low Back, Mid Back)
Stretching (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Neck, Check, Back and Sides)
2nd Day – Foam Rolling (Calf, Hamstring, Piriformis, IT Band, Low Back, Mid Back)
Stretching (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Neck, Check, Back and Sides)
3rd Day – Foam Rolling (Calf, Hamstring, Piriformis, IT Band, Low Back, Mid Back)
Stretching (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Neck, Check, Back and Sides)
4th Day – Rest Day
5th Day – Foam Rolling (Calf, Hamstring, Piriformis, IT Band, Low Back, Mid Back)
Stretching (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Neck, Check, Back and Sides)
6th Day – Foam Rolling (Calf, Hamstring, Piriformis, IT Band, Low Back, Mid Back)
Stretching (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Neck, Check, Back and Sides)
7th Day – Foam Rolling (Calf, Hamstring, Piriformis, IT Band, Low Back, Mid Back)
Stretching (Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Neck, Check, Back and Sides)
In keeping with last week, I am going to do as much as I can outside. But, it’s starting to get hot out there down here in Texas so wearing a strong, waterproof sunscreen and staying hydrated will be super important. Have fun this week!